2025 CPCKids Formational Home Slide copy

The Formational Home Parent Lab

The Formational Home: Equipping Families for Faith Conversations

Raising children in faith is one of the most meaningful yet challenging aspects of parenting. The Formational Home is a gathering designed to help families go deeper in faith conversations at home. Whether you’re just starting this journey or looking for fresh ideas, this space is for you!

Our goal is to equip and encourage parents by providing practical tools and a supportive community. Through our time together, we’ll explore key topics that will help you instill a love for God and His Word in your children. We’ll also provide opportunities for families to “share notes,” learning from and inspiring each other along the way.

The Formational Home Pathway

Over the course of our gatherings, we will walk through four essential steps to building a faith-filled home:

  1. Vision – Every great journey begins with a destination in mind. We’ll start by helping families define their why—what kind of faith legacy do you want to leave?
  2. Time & Place – Faith conversations don’t happen by accident. We’ll discuss practical ways to create rhythms that make faith discussions a natural part of everyday life.
  3. Language – The words we use matter. We’ll explore how to talk about faith in ways that engage and encourage our children at any age.
  4. Community – Discipleship isn’t meant to be done alone. We’ll discuss the importance of a faith community and how raising children in faith takes a team.

Our hope is that families leave feeling equipped and encouraged, knowing they are not alone in this journey. No matter where you are, there is grace for the process—and a community to walk alongside you.

Join us on Sunday, February 23 from 1-2:30 pm in the multipurpose room at CPC as we take the next step in building a Formational Home! CPCKids is provided for children PreK and under. Cost is $10 per family. Register today!