Location: Macedonia
Gabi and I come from traditional orthodox families where the teachings about Jesus and the Bible are not mentioned. My father, as part of communist movements and political parties, refused to discuss the topic of God. Faith in my family was reduced to a traditional, cultural mysticism.
In 2004, I enrolled in the University in Skopje, the capital city of Macedonia, to study International Relations and Conflict Resolution. At the end of 2005, I met a Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) staff member. For the first time in my life I heard the gospel when that staff member shared with me the Good News about Jesus. I constantly thank God that at that moment He opened up my spiritual eyes and softened my heart to be able to understand the Gospel and to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. God was in my life and He was changing it. I left all sinful habits and I dedicated myself to studying the Word of God and took part in Bible groups and summer projects organized by (Cru) Sekoj Student.
I met Gabi the summer of 2006 when she was in her 5th year of medical school to become a doctor. Like most students who come from Orthodox families, Gabi had no knowledge of God or the Bible. She sought the meaning of existence and when I witnessed about Jesus, she expressed a desire to read the Bible. It was a great privilege and blessing for us to grow together in Christ.
After graduation, it was clear where God was leading us. Matthew 9:37-38 says, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” and we were ready to work in that harvest field. Following God’s leading, we joined Sekoj Student(Cru) in 2008 as full-time workers for God. “We were married in 2009 and God has blessed us with two beautiful boys, Luka and Philip, and two beautiful girls, Adelina and Anastasia.
Аfter serving God for 6 years as a staff member on Skopje Campus Team, God has called me to be a team leader.
This team has 15 staff members, of which 13 are Macedonians and two are missionaries from USA. Our target group is college students. Our mission is to launch and build student-led, spiritual movements by winning students to Christ, building them to be Christ-centered, multiplying disciples and sending them out to reach the world for Christ. It is really wonderful to serve God and we are especially pleased that our lives completely depend on Him. The past 6 years God has used us in unique ways. Sharing the most beautiful message of love and forgiveness to the world is great. It’s wonderful that we have the privilege to witness students in Macedonia giving their lives to Jesus, and despite the big cultural pressures, the Gospel and the kingdom of God is spreading.
Gabi works on my team and is focused on women discipleship and evangelism. Our goal is for students to lead. This way if the government ever shuts Cru down, students know how to continue reaching people for Christ. Macedonia is now a sending nation and so we are sending students to Bulgaria to reach students there with the love of Christ. Pray that we have the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit and for how to raise our children wisely in the midst of a secular school.
After 14 years of ministry with high school and university students, God has led us into a new ministry as of 2023 that is also a Cru mission but is connected to planting churches and starting faith communities. This ministry is known as GCM (Global Church Movement). Before us now stands a new great challenge and we believe that God will lead us and use us for His glory in leading and starting churches and local faith communities. Please lift us in your prayers for God to gives us clear direction and courage in the new challenge.
Fun Fact: Bill Babione, CPC Mission Partners, is Bobi’s mentor for the “Emerging Leader Project” (ELP), which is a 2-year intensive mentoring and self-study program designed to challenge young leaders to trust God for far greater impact and vastly expand their vision for ministry.