

We invite you to explore our sermon library of Sunday morning teachings. Here you will be able to watch, listen, or read all of our past sermons.

God’s Calling and Your Career

By thegeneral | September 2, 2001

The Real Golden Rule

By thegeneral | August 26, 2001

Judge Not

By thegeneral | August 19, 2001

Kingdom Choices

By thegeneral | August 5, 2001

Soul Food

By thegeneral | July 29, 2001

Minding and Mending My Heart

By thegeneral | July 15, 2001

Living The Law

By Sandy Hughes | May 20, 2001

Living The Law

By thegeneral | May 20, 2001

The Difference You Make

By thegeneral | May 6, 2001

Happy And Harassed

By thegeneral | April 29, 2001

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